Railway Stations Connections
No. of Train Railway Lease
Station Parcel Booking
Network Cities Covered
Year of Establishment
Sing Railway was incorporated company act 1992. we are amongst India's most active and developing railway logistics companies, with over 30 years of experience. We have pan India footprints with our unmatched and fast service. We are Mumbai based company with many offices and godowns at various locations all around India.
We have already leased and run Sixty-Two trains under our name Singh Railways Parcel Service. I have attached a document containing these train details with the schedule and space. We also have tied up vendors/partners pan India managing more than a Hundred trains. So if you need any requirements on any routes all over India, please feel free to talk with me for quotation and other details.
We, the Singh Railways Parcel service, are the backbone of the country's logistics sector. With our extensive network touching almost every nook and corner of the country, we play a crucial role in facilitating a balanced and inclusive socio-economic devel
Our mission is to become India's preferred logistic partner helping businesses with speedy delivery and unmatched service.
Connecting businesses to people with our technologically advanced logistic solution & fulfill our responsibility for better future.
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CEO & Founder